Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Terrible Two's at the Age of Three?

Well, I'm mainly just EXHAUSTED. My body is fighting really hard to get rid of this cold/fever thing that I've had a little bit of, but I haven't been able to sleep very well. Last night, I didn't fall asleep until around 12, and I actually ended up sleeping opposite of usual... meaning, my head was by Michael's feet, and my feet were by his head. I slept without a pillow (for whatever reason that was more comfortable?), and slept some-what decently for four hours. Then I woke up feeling VERY sick. My stomach was completely empty, even though I had eaten pretty close to bed time and ate a few crackers as I went to bed. I've finally reached that part in pregnancy where I can actually eat food again. I feel like I am constantly eating, maybe I should start keeping track of how many calories I eat...?

Anyway, so, needless to say, I was extremely tired today, but Michael had to go in to work and school, so I didn't get as much of a break as I did yesterday. And of course, Samuel decided to be a terrible two year old. For the past week or so (I swear it's since he's been three) he's been really difficult. He now thinks he is old enough to do whatever he wants, but he still expects you to do everything for you.

So, at about 9:30 this morning, Joseph wanted Dinosaur Egg Oatmeal, and so naturally, Samuel did too. However, a few minutes before that I had asked Samuel if he was hungry and he had said no, so I was a bit skeptical. So, I asked him if he was going to eat all of it, and he said he would. So the deal was, he could have some, but he had to stay at the table until I said he had eaten enough. SOOOO, of course, 5 minutes after getting the boys the oatmeal I hear Joseph telling Samuel he needs to eat the oatmeal too, not just the Dino eggs... "oh boy.." I thought. I KNEW that would happen. So, I went in and told the Samuel he needed to eat his cereal before he could leave the table, and he said "Okay". Meanwhile, Joseph was done eating his, and asked for more, but those were the last two packets. I WISH I would have just said no to Samuel so Joseph could have had the other one, oh well. So, Joseph asked for a slim jim, which I gave to him. And Samuel asked for one, to which I responded he had to finish his oatmeal first and thats when Samuel decided he wasn't very happy at me. How fun. Then, Joseph asked for a bagel (I had brought some from home for me to eat), and I decided to give him half of one. I was actually some-what surprised when he ate it all, because USUALLY Samuel is the one that eats a TON and Joseph hardly touches food all day. Anyway, a bit of time passes, and I go in to check on Samuel and find him throwing food onto the floor and onto his chair and all over the table. Wonderful. What am I even supposed to do? I feel SO BAD having to scold kids that aren't even mine. It's just difficult. Oh, and of course, as soon as he realized I was there, he looked at me and started to cry because his hands were "gross". Oh boy.
So, I then proceeded to ask him why he made the big mess and he said "I want to go sleep" over and over again.

So here is a picture of Samuel right before he started crying, when he realized he got caught.

And here is one of him when he is about to cry.

These pictures do not come CLOSE to doing it justice... but, you get the point. Also, sorry they are tiny and poor quality... my phone isn't high tech, and we don't have a camera.

Anyway, by this point, I was overly exhausted and Samuel had a poopy diaper and Joseph had to get ready for school. So, I started to help Joseph get ready, changed Samuel's diaper, got him ready to go, and put him back in front of his oatmeal bowl. There was ONE more bite left in the bowl, and if he ate it I was going to let him off the hook (this time). But, he refused for a good 45 minutes... and it was time to go. So I told Samuel he wasn't allowed to get out of the stroller and play when we brought Joseph to school, couldn't play with his trashies until he said sorry, and had to come home and take a nap right away.

So, naturally, once we got to the school, Samuel started to get out of the stroller and I told him to stay there. I felt bad, because he started to whimper, but I couldn't just let him get away with making a HUGE gross mess all over the kitchen. So, when we got home, Samuel was put right to bed. He must have been exhausted because he feel right asleep.

Anyway, then when Joseph got home from school, Samuel woke up and was STILL SO GROUCHY. Michael got home, and helped Joseph and Samuel get some food while I went and laid down for a bit.
So, when I got up, I walk into the kitchen, and BOTH of the boys were drinking sprite... which I'm not even sure is okay for them to do. So I asked Michael why he gave them sprite, to which he responded, "Joseph just took one out of the fridge (totally uncharacteristic of him... because usually I have to get EVERYTHING for them...) and Samuel took the one that was on the counter (which was mine from earlier)". Awesome. So not only was Samuel still super tired (after a three hour nap), he was now drinking SUGAR. Wonderful. Michael just didn't react fast enough because at that point he was busy making the food. Anyway, I took the sprite from Samuel and told him it wasn't okay to take other people's drinks. Then, he sat down and started to eat his sandwich (by this point, Joseph was done with his and already in the other room). I figured I'd let him sit in there and eat alone (which is USUALLY fine), but today apparently just was not a good day to do that. He WOULD NOT eat his sandwich. And a few minutes after leaving, I heard him drinking something (we hadn't gotten a drink for him because he hadn't asked for one). So, I went in to find him drinking JOSEPH's sprite. Wonderful. I asked him who's sprite it was, and he said "Joseph's". At least he didn't lie, right? But, I promptly took it away, and he decided to start crying a ton and refused to eat any more. So finally I gave in and told him if he finished the cheese from his sandwich he could go play.

Anyway, LONG day. Awesome.
I'm exhausted and very much ready to go home and sleep for the night. (although, that is not likely).

1 comment:

  1. Welcome to motherhood! I found that Nathan got really hard right around 3 and then has gotten "easier" moments. But it is extra hard because they aren't your kids so it's hard to know how to discipline them and what they are allowed. Hang in there! At least it sounds like Joseph is behaving pretty well!
