Friday, February 17, 2012

mice mice mice! YUCK

So, last night Michael and I decided to REALLY try to figure out where the mice were coming in. We checked out all of the baseboards, (and since we have an OLD apartment, it was really no surprise that there were TONS of holes they could be potentially be getting in from). BUT, we did have some luck... or rather, A LOT of luck.

We bought some sticky traps (we hadn't tried them because we couldn't find them anywhere really (without driving 15 minutes to walmart or target), but we finally got some, as well as 6 more snap traps. So, they worked! (They were SUPER expensive compared to other mouse traps...we got an expensive brand). Anyway, we just put them right in front of the holes in the baseboards, and surrounded them with snap traps in case the sticky traps didn't work.

Well, needless to say, we found where they were coming in from. (Right next to our front door). There is a hole on the outside of our apartment by the door, and it leads right to our baseboards. So, they've just been using our baseboards to get around mostly. AWESOME.

SO, Michael tore out one of the baseboards in the living room, and we caught 8 MICE (four last night while we were awake, and four while we were sleeping)! Talk about gross. Well, one was actually dead before we got to it (we're assuming it's the one that ate the rat poison). But, it was gross, and that corner where the baseboard was torn out smelled SOOO bad. Anyway, we're going to call our landlord and talk to her about what we should do next since the problem won't go away (even if they fumigate...) more will just come back because there is at least one hole in the outside of the apartment where they can get in and out of, and our baseboards all need to be torn out and replaced anyway. If she doesn't want to do it, then we'll just do what the last people apparently did (or at least what I think they did). There are some baseboards that are super new looking (and don't match), so I'm thinking they tore out some and just replaced them without talking to Kristen about it. But, I don't want to move out and not have the next people know about the mice... unless the problem has been fixed.

Anyway, so we swept and mopped in that room a few times, and then sat there and watched the baseboards... haha. It was kind of fun to watch the mice pop their heads out of the holes and debate whether or not to go out, and then they finally decide to, and get stuck.
So, then, I'd leave the room and Michael would... uh, put on gloves and put the mice out of their misery before they had a chance to bite off their legs or anything. Although, the sticky traps we got, were SUPER sticky (like it was hard for ME to get my finger off of them... haha) and they mostly got all four legs stuck on, and parts of their body because they were kind of cowering as they came out of the hole (we had moved our couch, which was by the wall before, so they were a little timid to come out in the open). Anyway, I doubt they would have been able to get off of it, and had they bitten their legs off, it wouldn't have done any good because all four legs were stuck on. Anyway, so after the first four, we decided to call it a night (at like 11:30 which is WAYY late for me anyway). So, we showered and got ready for bed. Then, this morning, Michael went to go check the traps (we had 6 sticky traps in there, and 7 snap traps) and we caught four more mice! Yay! ...super gross, I know. like GROSS. But, at least that's 8 mice we don't have to worry about anymore. I just... I'm not sure I want to know HOW MANY we catch, because like I said, the problem isn't going to disappear on it's own because mice will just keep coming in, even if we kill all of the ones that have been coming in the past month or so.

So for now, we'll just leave the traps up, and keep looking for more openings outside of our apartment until we get other instructions from our landlord.

On a side note, Michael missed with the hammer once, and scared the mouse REALLY badly because it was stuck, and the hammer hit RIGHT next to it, and it squeaked... and it was SUCH a cute sound. But, not cute enough for me to let them stay. Heck, there are WAY more of them than us, THEY should be paying rent. ;)
Haha... anyway, that's the fun mouse update. Super exciting. But now I'm SUPER tired. I NEED a nap today.


  1. Oh my gosh!!! That is disgusting!!! I would be moving out asap! Yuck!

    1. Yeah, it's NASTY.
      Our contract is up in April, so we'll definitely be moving, but hopefully our landlord will help us out sometime.

  2. Gross! I'm glad you found something that works though. I told Mom you had mice, and she said to call her because they had a mouse in the house last summer while she was out here and she has some know-how to help get rid of them.
    By the way I'm super excited to find out if you are having a boy or girl!
