Friday, February 24, 2012

Sleep Feels SOO Good

So, Thursday nights are date nights for Michael and I... but, last night didn't go QUITE as we had planned... haha

We had planned on walking to a Redbox together to get our free redbox movie (I had a code for a free movie), and then watching it together, but first I decided I wanted to take a bath (I just really needed to relax). So, after I took a bath, I laid down on the bed for a little while before we were going to leave our apartment for a COLD walk. Michael sat next to me and just rubbed my back for a little while. (this was at about seven).

The next thing I remember was waking up at 11:57 and being SOOO THIRSTY with Michael asleep next to me. Heh, so much for that walk and movie? But, Michael wasn't sleeping very well, so my moving woke him up.

When I sat up I realized I was kinda hungry too (since I hadn't eaten since 4:30), so I had a yogurt and some water, and took my vitamin, but then I couldn't sleep anymore. As an aside, I slept SO WELL from 7-ish to 12-ish. It was wonderful. But, I couldn't go back to sleep! So, Michael and I talked for about an hour before I could finally fall asleep again. So, I guess we KIND of had a date last night... haha.

That's alright though, because we're going dancing tonight anyway. Our stake has been doing a Friday Night Date Night thing every Friday in February. It's just been the basics of dancing (which has been SUPER easy), but it's been really fun to have a chance to actually Dance with Michael... since it's been about a year since we've actually danced together. We've tried to remember our routines from ballroom for Waltz and Quick Step, but it's been so long! Although, the other day we were going through some stacks of books (we don't have enough book shelf space... or space in general in our apartment) for all of our books. Anyway, so tonight we get to dance together again! (Probably the last time for a while though... because it's the last Friday... and because I am getting... well, more pregnant). It's been REALLY energy draining to dance for an hour, but it's been so fun! And tonight we're going to be doing country swing! Which sadly, I won't be able to do as much of... no flipping for me... Oh well. Michael's not as strong anymore either... he hasn't been working out.
But, once we get some sort of mat to put down (or carpet of some sort) in our living room, we're going to start working out more together. Obviously, I won't be doing a TON of crazy work outs with him, but I still need to be doing SOMETHING.

And tomorrow Michael has a work party thing that I was invited too. All of the other people in Michael's lab aren't allowed to bring dates... but Michael's boss made an exception for him... because he's married. Haha. So hopefully that will be fun! I haven't seen Michael's boss since being pregnant (I was too sick last semester to stop by the lab, and this semester I have been busy all day). So, that'll be fun I suppose! He's a SUPER nice guy, and was really understanding last semester when I was sick (he'd let Michael run home for an hour or so to help me out). And he's also let Michael choose his own hours. Although, that will probably change come April (because I'll be able to have more time to do things for myself and won't have to have help running errands). But, Ben (Michael's boss) is super excited for Michael and I and is really supportive.

Then, Sunday we've got Stake Conference (I still have to figure out what TIME that is... I keep forgetting to check. They haven't announced it in Primary, aside from that it's happening... haha).

So yea! Super exciting... I know. My post is sooo entertaining and I'm sure who ever reads it needed to know what Michael and I are doing all weekend.. haha

Another thought, I was looking at pregnancy classes online and am wondering, are they really worth the time? Also, do you know any good ones? Is the one at the hospital the one to take? Also, thoughts about Pregnancy Yoga classes? (I might do one in April to fill my time haha).
I'm interested in taking the Breastfeeding class... just because it'll help answer questions, and I know mastitis runs in my family, so it'll help me learn what to watch for (even though I'm sure my mom will help with that too).

But, I've already had some of the symptoms of mastitis (I looked them up online), but my doctor just said to monitor my temperature to make sure I don't spike a fever, and if I do I should go right into the office and ask to see someone immediately. Hmm... I didn't know it was possible to get mastitis BEFORE the baby comes, but apparently it does, it's just rare. But, the doctor just told me to watch for signs. But, yeah, I'm not too worried about it really, just attentive I suppose. Although, I did have a little bit of a fever last night (but I don't think it was linked to any other symptoms) so that's probably why I was able to sleep so early and so well. Anyway, that's probably ENOUGH information about that! Heh. Sorry.

Anyway, pregnancy classes, worth it? I don't know, but I'm thinking I should do one at the hospital so I know how to admit myself if I have to, right?


  1. The pregnancy class Ryan and I had was VERY good. It was the "Third Trimester Childbirth Class" through Intermountain Healthcare (ours was at LDS Hospital, but they teach it at others). If possible I'd try and take it from your hospital because they normally walk you through the labor and delivery, and postpartum wards to see what's there, tell you what to bring, etc.

    Mastitis is a bacterial infection that occurs when milk is clogged, and although I've heard of people having it before delivery, I know I got it because I had lots and lots of clogged milk ducts. Matthew had lots of trouble breastfeeding at first because he was super tongue tied and once my milk started coming in he couldn't get it out!

    I don't think I would have gotten mastitis the second time if Ryan and I hadn't driven to Washington for Matthew's blessing. Matthew never eats as well when he's not at home and in a comfortable, quiet place, so he had trouble driving and eating for 16+ hours in the car there and back. I also had a yeast infection which caused more milk supply problems, so I'd produce too much at night and in the morning (which caused lots of clogged ducts I had to work out during the day) because I didn't have enough in the evenings. Which cause more milk at night and morning.. hence a vicious cycle.


    I do recommend a pregnancy class, just because even if you know it all, it was good for a refresher and peace of mind as delivery got closer. I never took a yoga class, Ryan just made me walk lots and lots.. We were walking 1.5+ miles the week I was due, and that baby still wouldn't come!

    As for the breastfeeding class, that's up to you. I don't know how much one would have helped me, mostly I think it's experience that you just have to learn as you go. Get a hand pump to help in the beginning if your super full, so that little Evanson can latch on easier. And if you have any! questions get the lactation specialist to help while you are in the hospital! I even had her come an extra time, just so I could make sure Matthew was latching on correctly because it takes practice! (And 3 hands in the beginning when I was first learning).

  2. I was going to say the only class I would really recommend is a labor & delivery one. They teach breathing techniques that I've heard are really helpful. So I echo what Ali says!
