Thursday, February 16, 2012

February 29th

February 29th is the day! Michael and I have an ultrasound at 10:00 AM and we'll get to find out if it's a girl or a boy! Yay!
We're excited and looking forward to finding out!
Anyway, everything seems fine with the baby thus far. I haven't heard anything about my lab results, so we'll have to ask at the ultrasound.

Anyway, the doctor we saw yesterday thinks we're having a boy... haha. He found the heartbeat and said "Doesn't that just sound like a little boy?" So, I guess we'll see!
Michael thinks we're having a girl, and I can see it going either way. But sometimes I catch myself referring to the baby as a her. Who knows? Maybe that's because Michael has 'poisoned' my brain into thinking we're having a little girl.

Personally, I think I want a girl, but I'm sure I'll be happy either way. I just think a girl would be more fun for me at this point in my life. I'd just have way too much fun with bows, I'm sure... haha. And, financially, it would be better to have a girl atm, because then we wouldn't have to worry about paying for circumcision, or getting as many clothes (we've got some of the baby girl clothes from NJ). Heh, I guess in the long run, those costs don't make THAT much of a difference, but it's just nice to know have to worry about that as much I guess.

Anyway, we found another kind of mouse trap, and we set it up on Sunday, but still no luck. =/
Michael's been reading about mice online and there is one other thing we're going to try before we call our landlord. We're going to buy some nylons (or find some old ones of mine) and attach them to the snap traps we have. Apparently their teeth get caught in it? Our problem isn't the mice not eating the peanut butter, it's setting off the traps. So, I guess we'll see.

Michael heard back from Brother Merrill at Rutgers, and it looks like we're not going to be in NJ this summer.

So, we're looking at apartments in UT that are set up a little better for having a baby (not necessarily 2 bed rooms, just one BIGGER bedroom). Ours right now is, well, TINY. It's got room for our bed and a dresser. So, hopefully we'll be able to find some sweet deals come late march/early april.

Well, I guess that's the super unexciting update on my life!
Talk about boring.

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