Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Baby Mice and Baby Evanson

So, we caught a total of 20 mice.
14 were in the first 24 hours of us having traps set up the way they are now.
We've caught 17 in the living room, and 3 in our bedroom. GROSS.
I saw one run through the kitchen, but I think we caught that one.

The last four we've caught have been BABY mice. Like, just barely old enough to get their own food. We must have killed their mom and forced them out of "hibernation" to find their own food.
Although, they are light enough to get passed the sticky traps, so we've been catching them in the snap traps. But, they are so light that they get thrown against the wall and die that way. It's sad. They are so TINY. They're kinda cute, except when you think about them invading your home...

Anyway, they're almost gone! we can't hear them in the walls anymore! It's pretty exciting. haha

Although, I still haven't been sleeping well. I just wake up all night because I'm so uncomfortable. I wish there was some magic medicine I could take to make me sleep!

Also, I thought in the second trimester you were supposed to get your energy back? I have been just as tired, if not more tired, than before, I'm just not throwing up all the time anymore. So, I got some blood work done the other day, and on next Wednesday (after the u/s) I'm supposed to review the results. It's possible that I'm enimic. So, I guess we'll find out! Woo.

A week from today we find out if it's a baby girl or a baby boy! Yay! We're excited. :)
Although, if the baby is in a bad position, we won't be finding out until... MUCH later. Because our insurance doesn't cover a gender u/s. Only the ones the doctors prescribe for health reasons. But, our office does three u/s per pregnancy (unless there is need for more), so we've got a chance to find out next Wednesday, and then again later (like 8 months) in the pregnancy. So, I REALLY hope our baby decides to let us know! It doesn't really matter, I suppose, but it would be super fun to know. And friends have been asking... and I wanna know. Although, Michael and I agree that we won't be getting a gender u/s if this one doesn't work out. It's just way too expensive and we just don't have the money. It's not a necessity, just a want. =/

So, fingers crossed! February 29th here we come!


  1. I can't wait to hear about your u/s! I hope baby cooperates! Also, TWENTY MICE?! Yikes!!! I never really got my energy back in the 2nd trimester, though I had a few weeks where I felt sort of ok. Dang pregnancy. Can't wait for it to be over! :)

    1. I'm referring to THIS particular pregnancy. I know it can be confusing since I had so many. haha Glad you are at least not as nauseated!

    2. Yep... TWENTY mice.
      Haha, three isn't that many you crazy lady!
      But, thanks for clarifying :)
      I'm still hanging on to the hope that I will get my energy back soon!

  2. Lol, I'm glad you found my blogs so that I could find yours. I can't believe you have mice! And that many! Oh my gosh, I would have told Jeffrey we had to move right away. I'm so excited to find out what you're having, and I hope the baby cooperates! I vote girl, because they are so fun to dress up! Boys are fun too though :)

  3. Ummmm trust me, when you are 8 months pregnant with your 3rd, three will feel like a lot! haha

  4. Kelli - I told Michael I can't take it any more and we're moving... But, he's convinced we've caught them all, or at least almost all of them because we haven't caught one tooo recently.

    Michelle - haha, I'm sure it will feel like a lot! But, it's really not compared to most of the Mormon culture... haha
    Although, I suppose that's probably different in London? Maybe?
