Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Tomorrow's an Exciting Day!

Tomorrow Michael and I find out whether we're having a baby boy or a baby girl!
We're excited!

I just keep having dreams that the baby is going to be 'hiding' itself from us. Haha, I guess if that's the case, then that's alright, but I'd be pretty disappointed. I think it would be SO much more fun to feel the baby kick knowing whether it was a boy or a girl... and just having a name for the baby would just make it easier for me. It would just be more fun or something. I don't know how to explain it because it doesn't really make sense. But, anyway, we're excited.

So, our baby is STRONG. From super early on I was able to feel it, but about two weeks ago or so (maybe three?) I've been able to feel very distinct kicks/punches. The first time I felt one that hard, it kind of scared me... haha. Actually, it still makes me jump a little bit. It's just the weirdest feeling being able to feel something moving inside of you, but not have any control over it. I still jump a little bit and sometimes I make a startled noise to go along with it.

One day, I was able to just watch my stomach move - talk about WEIRD. I have absolutely no control over it, and it kind of freaks me out! It's definitely an experience like no other. However, our baby is shy when it comes to Michael. It's absolutely hilarious. Michael has been able to feel a few little kicks (the ones that feel more like flutters), but even if the baby was super active just seconds before, if Michael's hand touches my stomach, the baby will stop moving almost entirely. The baby ALWAYS calms down for him. I'm not complaining, it certainly helps me sleep better sometimes! Although, it is kind of sad for Michael, because he wants to feel a harder kick (he's felt a few some-what hard ones recently), and I want him to feel our baby moving a ton too! But, if our baby will calm down for him (especially in coming months when the baby gets even stronger), I'm not going to complain if it means I end up sleeping more. And if it continues even after the baby is born, AWESOME. Michael is a baby tamer! haha

Anyway, Michael still really thinks it's a girl, and I've started feel like it is a girl too, but I still wouldn't be surprised if it's a baby boy. I'm sure I'll be happy either way :)
We'll just have to think of a good boy name (we've got a few in mind, but we're much better at coming up with baby girl names).

So, we have not heard, seen, or seen signs of mice in 6 days! YIKES! I never thought it would end! I'm super excited though! Woo! Now, it's time to re-do the baseboards and fill them with steel wool (they can't eat their way through it apparently). Michael's parents are coming to UT tomorrow to visit people for a few days, but we probably won't see them until Saturday, but it will be good to see them.

So, you know how I said Michael was doing very well in his Computer Science class? Well, now he's tutoring for it, and is going to apply to be a TA for it next semester.
So, today he was contacted by three different people in his class that want to be tutored. (there are about 10 tutors for the class, and then the TAs as well, so three in one day is pretty good...).
But, this is how one of our conversations today went...

Michael: "I got another one"
Amy: "Okay, soo...?"
Michael: "I feel cool"

Haha, just the way he said it and how excited he was made me laugh. I never thought that getting tutees would make someone feel cool... I just had never thought of it that way. I mean, I'm excited for him because he'll enjoy tutoring and because it'll help him stay on top of the class and lessons and everything (not that he needs help with it because he's got 110% in the class and is always AT THE VERY LEAST a week ahead of the class both in the concepts and labs), but having people come to you for help makes you feel cool? Hmm... just interesting I suppose. I think it's weird, but Michael's silly. He's a cutie :)

Anyway, that's about it... for now. I guess.

Oh, and I burnt my tongue. :(

1 comment:

  1. Hehe, that's how Matthew was with Ryan. He would be kicking a ton, and then Ryan would try to feel, and he would stop immediately! (which was really nice when I wanted to sleep and Matthew wanted to kick. Ryan would just roll over to try and feel him kick and then Matthew would calm down)
    Ryan ended up feeling a them towards the end, mostly when Matthew was up for his early morning workout before Ryan went to work.. Ryan was always so surprised at how strong the kicks were once he did get to feel them.
