Monday, March 19, 2012


Yay for packing! haha

Now that I know where we will be living, I've actually had a lot of 'energy' to pack. I'm just so excited to be leaving our current apartment (although, not so much our landlord - she's been AMAZING). On Friday/Saturday Michael cleaned a bit, and we successfully packed up almost EVERYTHING that can be packed... yay! Although, now I'm still restless about it... I just want to keep packing... I want to pack up the car and start taking stuff over to the new place, but I can't because... well, it's not ours yet! =/
Just two more weeks! yay!

Anyway, that's that...
we had some people come look at our apartment this past weekend too (...while we were packing haha), so hopefully (for our landlord's sake) it gets filled pretty soon. We like her so much, and leaving her is seriously the HARDEST part about leaving the apartment. I mean, it was a good apartment for us at the time, but it's just not ideal any more. (No more mice there!)

Michael is putting a fence in before we leave, and we hung up a cabinet Saturday. So we're fixing it up a little bit before we leave (we didn't pay for the stuff... our landlord did), so it'll be a little nicer for the next couple/people that live there. (Hopefully they'll have a place to put their stuff! cause we didn't really have enough storage for us... the ONLY closet/storage there was when we got there was the bedroom closet... which isn't very big).

Anyway, long story short, I can't wait to move. Our contracts overlap a little bit (New one starts April 1st, old one ends April 13th), so we're planning on taking car loads over at a time and unpacking those/finding a place for things, then bringing another car load over. Then, we'll only have to bother people to help us for like an hour with the big stuff. We're hoping we'll be able to find someone in this ward or our new ward that has a pick up truck that would be willing to help us move rather than renting a U-haul for just our bed, a dresser, a comfy chair, and a small-ish cabinet. That's really all we'll need to bring over that won't fit in our car (everything else we have has fit in our car...including the dish washer). Our new place has a dish washer though, so we're actually trading with some of our friends. We're getting their window a/c unit for our dish washer! Yay! A/C.
Although, since it is a basement apartment, we're hoping we won't have to use it very much (we'll just open the windows at night). But, I guess we'll see!

Anyway, that's my life currently. Super exciting, I know. haha

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