Friday, March 2, 2012

Baby Girl

So, Michael and I have dedicated Thursday nights as our Date Night.

I know, Thursday is kind of a weird night to have a date night, usually it's Friday or Saturday or something, but Thursday is what we had decided from the beginning, even before we got married. Our first date was on Thursday and our first kiss was on a Thursday, and so we just like Thursdays. And also, we figured once we had kids, we could find a couple that had either Friday or Saturday as their date night, and we could babysit for each other.

Well, anyway, I digress. Michael and I have both been a bit stressed lately, and so we needed to just go out and have some fun spending time with each other, not having to really worry about anything. So, we had some Target gift cards (wedding presents) and decided it would be super fun to go pick out an outfit to bring little Emmalynn Rose Evanson (we're pretty confident that is going to be her name) home from the hospital in. Although, neither of us really know what kind of outfit that's supposed to be... so we bought two. :)

Here's to our first new baby outfits! (and the last for a while... until it gets closer anyway)
Michael has started to call our little girl Flutterbug, so we've decided we're going to be dressing her in Butterfly outfits (if we continue to find cute ones).

Also, after we move in April, I will be sorting through the baby clothes Mama Rankin gave to us and organizing them by size so we can have a better idea of what we'll need... even though I have NO IDEA what we need. I know onsies are good, right? and sleepers? heh, I suppose I'll find out soon enough!

Anyway, here are some terrible quality pictures to look at! haha
Oh, we also found a super cute stuffed animal for her... Michael really liked it. So, we got her a Giraffe that plays music and is super soft.

The yellow one is the one we bought thinking we could bring her home in that? It's got long sleeves and long pants and a onsie? The sleeves are nice though, because they've got those hand covering things... so the baby can't scratch itself. Also, it matches the Giraffe stuffed animal... it's got yellow Giraffes on it. The other outfit is the opposite, short sleeves with short or long pants. The green and purple one says "Daddy Loves Me", but the 'O' has a butterfly in the middle instead of the hole. And, the white short sleeve shirt is covered in butterflies.

Anyway, that was what Michael and I did last night. :)
It was nice not to have to worry about things and just spend time together picking out two cute outfits for our little girl. It was nice to not have to worry about how we are going to provide for a little one, but just get to spend a little time thinking about her instead.

1 comment:

  1. I love baby clothes!!!!!!! And it will be fun to have an Emily and an Emmalynn close in age as cousins! Maybe they will be best buds?! haha Are you and Michael planning on registering somewhere? Wish I lived closer so I could throw a baby shower for you!
