Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Cloth Diapers V.S. Disposable Diapers?

So, Michael and I have talked about using cloth diapers instead of disposable ones.

Cloth diapers are a lot of money in the beginning, but they have all-in-one, one-size diapers now, so they will last until the child is about ready to potty train/potty trained. So, in the long run, they would be cheaper (by about 1000-1500 dollars).

But, is it worth the extra laundry? The extra time spent washing/folding them? I'm not sure. Then, there is also the initial cost (about 400-500 dollars). It's kinda hard just to pull that out of no where when you haven't necessarily been planning on it (we could do it, but again, is it worth it?).

And then there's the question, how many do we get? I mean, how often do I want to do diaper laundry? I can't let it sit around for days (GROSS), but I don't want to have to do laundry EVERY day. With disposable diapers, you don't have to worry about not getting enough, you can always go and get another box of the right size. I mean, you can always order/buy more cloth diapers, but it's cheaper if you buy them 6-36 at a time.

I just don't know. Any thoughts?

I know no one in my immediate family has done cloth diapers (or I'm pretty sure anyway), but why not? I know my mom used cloth diapers and liked them, and they have even come a long way since she used them.

I'd like some opinions please!


  1. We really thought about doing cloth diapers, but decided that I didn't want/wouldn't clean the really poopy ones once Matthew started eating solids! (which is totally true, now that he is on solids)

    I've known other people who have done cloth diapers and loved them, but it does take extra work (and laundry), which I'm grateful not to have.

  2. My biggest thing with cloth diapers was that I had heard they aren't necessarily as eco friendly as they sound since you need to wash them multiple times in really hot water. At least that is what I hard. Plus, it's just a lot of work!

    But, that being said, my sister in law did cloth diapers with my niece and she loved it. If you want, I can ask her more about it. Also, she is the one that is pregnant with twins now, so I'm not sure if she is going to continue with cloth diapering or not. If not, maybe she would sell you the ones she has. Do you want me to find out?

    I have heard that cloth diapers are better for potty training and also maybe less rashes and irritation, etc.

  3. Yeah, I'm just not sure about either way really. I've done a lot of research online, and a lot of the people who have tried cloth diapers, have really like them, but some don't. I just don't want to pay for them to find out we hate them. haha

    Yes Michelle, I would LOVE to have more information from your sister in law. (what kind she liked best, how many she would recommend getting, etc) And if she isn't going to continue doing cloth diapers, I'd love to know if she would sell us the ones she has or not.

    A lot of what I've read online says cloth diapers are a lot better as far as rashes/irritation go, but I haven't read as much on potty training.

  4. My sister does cloth diapers as well, and never once regretted it. In fact, she started her own company making them! Plus, no matter how "un-eco-friendly" they are, they are still more eco-friendly than disposable ones.

    1. She started her own company? Woah!
      Michael wants to know which sister? haha.
      Yeah, I'm not AS concerned about the eco-friendliness of them (does that make me a bad person? haha), but more of the Amy friendliness of them... and the financial friendliness of them... and the baby friendliness of them.

      But, I agree, they are definitely more eco-friendly than most disposable ones (although, there are some that are completely biodegradable now... but they are WAY too expensive).
