Monday, December 5, 2011

Our day today...

Well, we actually slept in today! But... that's because we didn't get home until around Midnight last night. We were at our friend's house playing games and eating dinner and just hanging out. It was very fun. We played a new game called SwashBuckled. It's definitely a Mormon-made game. The taxes are 10% of your income... and Coffee is the lowest in value... and a bunch of other silly things like that. But, it was actually pretty fun. Anyway, so we woke up around 10. (Which NEVER happens... especially for Michael. He's usually up by 7).

Since then, I've been taking it really slowly... I'm still on the bed in PJs. Although, I did get up to make some yummy homemade chocolate chip waffles :) YUM!

Today Michael has to work quite a bit, so he's gotta get going. But before he leaves, he's going to drop me off at our friend's house so I don't have to freeze all day today in our cold apartment. We found another blanket last night before we went to bed, so we put it on, and I actually woke up OVERHEATED! So I had no problem getting out of bed into the freezing air... but, that didn't last very long... because I got cold really fast.

Anyway, I'm excited to spend the day with Kelli, she's really fun and sweet. She's pregnant too actually! I found out she was pregnant, about the same time I found out I was... so it was pretty exciting. She's due in the middle of June... so she's going to have her baby on my birthday. It's been decided... haha. So, she's only a month further than I am, so it's kind of fun. This is her third pregnancy though, so she knows what goes on. It's really nice to have a friend that not only has been pregnant before, but is pregnant with you. Someone who really gets it, and is very close by.

Anyway, I should get dressed so that we can get Michael to work. He doesn't really have to be there a certain time today, except for a meeting he has a 3. But, the sooner he gets in, the less he has to work other days this week! So, I'm pretty motivated to look ugly today and just throw on whatever I find and let my hair be a mess :)

Anyway, life's good. School has been really hard to get to the last few weeks, so who knows how I'm actually going to do this semester. Talk about bad timing to be super sick with morning sickness... right before/during finals? YIKES! Oh well, I probably won't be headed back to BYU anyway. It's kind of bitter sweet. I never really liked BYU, but I've got some good memories from winter semester (mainly with Michael...). So, it's sad to not get my degree, but it's a happy separation with BYU. As long as I get to keep the good part (Michael) ;).

I am going to finish Cosmetology school though! So I'll still be able to have a career to fall back on if anything happens. I've actually been offered a teaching job at the school after I graduate. I'd be teaching nail tech. stuff (which, surprisingly, I LOVE). Anyway, so that's the good news! It will just take a little bit longer to graduate from Cosmo school than originally planned because I'll have to take a maternity leave for a while... but, that's alright. It won't put me back too far, because they have a daycare at school that is free for students and staff. Which is actually really nice. It's kind of cool, because Michael and I both felt like this school was the one I needed to attend... and I guess now we know why. Even though it's the furthest one from our apartment (by a lot). It's in Spanish Fork. But, the travel ended up being a blessing in disguise. And, I LOVE my teachers too. I really feel like I made the right choice in school.

Anyway, I've really got to go now... gotta get dressed and send Michael away!
We'll see if I can persuade him to write on here sometime soon :)

- Amy

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