Thursday, December 8, 2011

My Husband Loves Me SOOO Much. =)

I just want to take a second to appreciate Michael. He's always doing the sweetest things! He has been so helpful, and so wonderful while I've been sick. I feel really bad, I haven't been able to do much around the house, or anywhere really. It's been a big enough chore to get out of bed! But he has just been so good about it, he helps me do the things I need to do, and he feeds me. When he gets home from work, he always asks how I'm feeling and if there is anything he can do to help me. He is constantly looking out for me, and making sure I'm as comfortable as possible. I just hope I'll be able to make it up to him someday. I try to do as much as I can on my own, but sometimes I really can't do something, and he'll always do it with a good attitude, even though I know it's not what he'd like to be doing.

He also has been really good at putting up with my want for Ramen. He's really sick of Ramen, but he still makes it for me, and finishes what I can't. He's just been really good about not complaining about what I want to eat, and just dealing with it instead. I feel really bad. :(
He's definitely starting to gain some weight too.. because he finishes everything that I don't (which is basically everything that I have). Tehe... that's not my fault, right? At least he's getting enough to eat!

I just really appreciate how sweet he has been to me, and how hard he works to try to keep me comfortable and happy, even though he's got a lot on his plate right now.

Anyway, last night was the worst night, EVER. But, I'm sure there are worse to come. Michael was feeling pretty sick, so he was having a really hard time sleeping. His shoulder has been really bothering him the last few days, and so he has been trying not to sleep on that side, but last night he had a stomach ache, and could NOT sleep on the other side. So he was trying to sleep on his hurt shoulder, with a tummy ache, next to me. I was really struggling to get comfortable, and I had a fever. I just was NOT feeling good at all. So, it woke up about every 30mins-1hr. It was dreadful. Then, on top of that, for some reason Trixie was having a really rough night too. She was up until 3:30 AM. Yikes! None of us slept well, at all. But, it's alright I suppose. Michael still woke up early and wasn't able to go back to sleep, so he woke me up... and I could NOT for the life of me fall back to sleep. So, I layed in bed until 9:30 trying to sleep, then just gave up. But, this morning has NOT been a good one. I've been terribly sick again. yuck. I haven't been able to get comfortable, my eyes are droopy and hurt, and my tummy will just NOT give me a break.

Anyway, Michael just headed off to work. He's starting his project today! It's pretty exciting, it just means I won't see him much for a while. =(
It's alright though, at least I can sort of walk around the apartment. I am really grateful we don't have stairs atm. I don't think I could do stairs. I just get too dizzy and lightheaded anytime I stand, I'm pretty sure I'd fall on the stairs. It's hard enough not to run into the walls.

So, hopefully tonight I'll be feeling well enough to take one of my finals. (Today is the LAST day of class, and it's an in-class final). Michael and I are singing a duet for our final for this class. And our teacher has been SO good about me being sick. She is the BEST teacher I have had at BYU, by far. She is so silly, and she makes it okay to be silly. It's a music performance class where we perform a piece of music about every other week. She makes it completely easy to stand up in front of a bunch of different people and sing. She makes it okay to look dumb, or mess up or anything like that. It is absolutely great! Because of her, it has just been so much fun. Everyone is able to be themselves. Anyway, so tonight is our last night to take our final, so I REALLY hope I'm feeling better. And I hope Michael is feeling better too. I mean, if it was a written final, I could take it for sure. I'd be hard and I probably wouldn't do very well, but singing? Now thats really hard to do when you're about to throw up... so this could be interesting.

hmm... so last night we saw Arthur Christmas. It was actually pretty cute. :)
It was a good movie for little kids or for people in the mood to watch a animated christmas movie that isn't Rudolf... It was definitely a fun one. At least, we liked it. And it wasn't just because it was the first time we had gone on a date in a long time, and it wasn't just because it was my first time out of the house in a while...

Anyway, I'm sleepy, so I'll probably go try to take a nap. Yay for mid-day naps! They make me sooo happy! But... I usually wake up feeling pretty gnarly. =/

Anyway! Good night! ;]

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