Friday, December 16, 2011

Alrighttt... here's the news!

Well, I'm not dying! And neither is our baby!

So, because the doctor could feel my Uterus and where it was/how big it was and find the baby's heartbeat in it without a problem, we didn't end up needing the Ultrasound today, but we did get one scheduled for January 9th (it was the soonest we could get one because we'll be gone...)!

So, my doctor thinks that I am either further along in my pregnancy, or we have twins! But, we only heard one heartbeat... so we'll see on January 9th!

However, the way my uterus is sitting, the babies could be behind one another, so there is still a pretty fun chance that we could be having twins. The heartbeat was pretty clear, but there could have been another one in the background, but who knows? It was SOOO fun and amazing to hear the baby's heartbeat. It was super easy to find for the doctor (which is surprising at 9 weeks... they weren't even sure we'd get a heart beat).

It's crazy to actually know that I have life inside of me. I think this whole pregnancy thing has finally started to kick in. The morning sickness doesn't seem so bad now that I'm sure it's not for nothing. Although, it is still VERY bad... haha. It's just more fun now knowing that it's not for nothing. Anyway, so there is still a possibility of having twins.. orrrr I'm just more like 10.5-11 weeks pregnant than 9 weeks. So, I guess we'll find out in about three weeks!

As of right now, my due date is July 14th.

Anyway, I'm exhausted, and I've got the munchies, so it's time for me to do something about that. =)

1 comment:

  1. I totally got up in the middle of the night to read this because when Christopher woke me up, I was in the middle of a dream about you and this situation. Only your husband was crazy gothic like Adam Lambert. Hmmmmm... Well, I'm glad you were able to hear the heartbeat, that is exciting! I bet you are further along than you thought because it seemed like morning sickness hit you a lot sooner than I would have thought it should. But then, who knows?! I'm glad you have the u/s set and have heard the heart beat! I can't wait to find out what the u/s says :) Enjoy your holidays!
