Monday, January 9, 2012


So, I changed my ultrasound from today to next wednesday. It was just too crazy trying to figure everything out with Michael starting school and me watching Joe and Tina's kids. Although, next Wednesday Michael and I will probably bring Joseph and Samuel with us, which might actually be kind of fun. If they don't want to see pictures of our baby, then they can play in the nursurey type area. So, that'll be fine.

Yesterday Michael and I taught CTR 4s in church. I got a phone call about ten minutes before church asking if I could help the teacher out, but when we got to church, the teacher didn't show up, so Michael and I got to teach the class. We read through and learned the lesson during sharing time...

So, it was a little hectic trying to figure everything out and make sure we had some supplies, but it was really fun. There were only two of them, and one was VERY well behaved. It was kind of scary. I don't think I've ever seen a 4 year old so well-behaved in church before. He was just the sweetest cutest thing! Then, the other one was a nightmare... haha, but thankfully Michael was able to do pretty well with him. He just needed someone's full undivided attention. So he sat in Michael's lap most of the time and wanted to talk about what he got for Christmas.

Anyway, the lesson was on Choosing the Right and what that means. Basically, choosing the right means making good choices, and when you make good choices you are happy because you are following God's plan. It was fun, and we even had a snack for them! (thanks to me being pregnant...haha). We gave them each a packet of fruit snacks at the end of class. The Primary President is VERY nice. It was the first time I had met her, and I was very impressed with her. I just don't quite understand why she called me... I guess she was just going down the ward list and Evanson is near the top? Haha.

Anyway, I think it would be a lot of fun for Michael and I to be teachers in Jr. Primary, but that won't happen. I don't plan on getting a calling in our ward, since I'm pregnant... and people who are pregnant in UT don't really get callings... and if they had one, they get released. At least, that's how our ward is...
Although, they don't know I'm pregnant yet (they might have a feeling though because of how I look.. but I could just be getting fat too, right?)
Yeah, I'm not quite sure when to tell my ward, or even HOW to tell my ward... Should I just not tell them and then they'll say something once I am finally undeniably pregnant? Haha... I don't know.

Anyway, it's nap time for me... so I really should go sleep :)


  1. Ahhh...I wish you guys could come and teach in our Primary!!! I'm still really sad that "I" have to wait another week and a half to hear about your appointment, but I guess it's worse for you! haha

    Oh, and you may want to check with your doctor's office to make sure that you can take kids with you to the u/s. Our doctor in Texas didn't allow children under a certain age into the room because it was too distracting for the tech. Maybe Tina's mom could watch them that morning?

    PS - I laughed about your "people in Utah not getting callings when they are pregnant." I have NEVER heard that and I spent nearly half my life there. Maybe it's just your ward! haha

  2. Oh, and with my wards (for Christopher & Nathan) I totally announced I was pregnant when I was about 12 weeks along as part of the RS "Good News Minute" :) Do they do that in your ward?

  3. yep, they let kids in the u/s. They gave me a little information sheet :)
    And there is also a nursery they can play in if they would rather do that..
    But no, my ward doesn't do the good new minute...

    And it's not just my ward! Alison's does that too... and our old ward would do that too. I don't know, it's just something Michael and I have noticed in the wards we've been in thus far... and then in Alison's.

    Anyway, yeah, I'm excited for the u/s... I'm just so tired of waiting!

  4. Dang, I should move back to Utah - I'd never have callings since I've been pregnant for the last forever!!! haha

  5. haha, yep! You should move back to Utah!!! Because then you'd be here with us! :)
