Friday, January 27, 2012

Nothing to Report Really

Well, I'm sick, again. But, not nearly as bad. I've just got a nasty cold from Joe and Tina's kids... and because of that, I had a TERRIBLE night last night and woke up feeling absolutely miserable. Michael's a little sick too. Woo!

Because of the lack of sleep last night I have had some bad morning sickness all day thus far (either that or I got the flu from somewhere? but, I doubt it because it feels more like morning sickness than flu). Although, I'm starting to do a bit better. Samuel is going to go down for a nap soon, so I'll be able to take a nap too, I hope. I'm just exhausted. I can't wait for tomorrow! I get to sleep in...
but, I supposed really, tomorrow is going to be a cleaning day. It's been hard to keep the apartment clean when both Michael and I are gone all day and I'm ready for bed by the time we get home (at like 6-ish...) and usually I just eat and then hop into bed and Michael does his homework next to me. It's actually worked out pretty nicely so far, aside from the growing mess in the kitchen and other parts of the apartment...
Michael is LOVING his computer science class, and is actually thinking about switching his major to it since it's a shorter major, and he's about as far along in CS as he is in PD Bio..
But, we'll see what he actually ends up doing. I don't really care WHAT he does as long as it is something that he's good at and likes and can support a family off of. We just don't know how his family will react if he decides not to be a doctor (his parents mainly). I mean, they know it's his decision, they'll just try to talk him out of it. They've kind of got their hearts and minds set on him becoming a doctor. But, he could major in CS and still be a doctor if he wanted to. He'll just have to study extra hard for the MCAT because he won't have as many classes to reinforce that knowledge.

Anyway, today is a year from our first date! How fun. Too bad we're both a bit sick. Although, Michael had a good birthday yesterday :)
I couldn't find the present he wanted though... so I'll be doing a bit of shopping around again tomorrow to look some more. It was supposed to be a surprise, but I gave in and told him because I was having a hard time finding what I was going to get him. It's just PJ pants (thick flannel ones). You would think they'd be easy to find, right? Um, no. All the ones in stores are thinner, and he doesn't like those as much. But, we did go out to dinner last night for his birthday, and it was yummy. We were going to go to see Sherlock Holmes afterwards, but we were both just tooo exhausted. Talk about lame-os. We were home by 7 and in bed by 7:30.

Anyway, we had a good day yesterday, and Michael said his birthday was good, so I guess that means even though we were kind of lame, he had a good day. He said I was the best birthday present he ever got (since, apparently, he got me last year for his birthday because it was the first time we ever hung out). Anyway, it's just kind of fun to think we've officially known each other for a year. We've basically spent EVERY day together since a year from yesterday except for 4 days when I was in Denver, and a few days when I was in Pennsylvania for Grandpa Rankin's funeral. CRAZY! Anyway, fun times.

In the past year we've done a bunch of things, but nothing tooo fun to report. Maybe I'll make a list of the cool things we've done later and post it.

Anyway, time for Samuel to take a nap... so that I can! YAY!

On a side note, the past two weeks or so, I haven't grown AT ALL in size... so I'm just stuck in the awkward state that makes you feel fat... You know, when you don't QUITE look pregnant, but you are? and You know you are? Because you're sort of showing, but to everyone else you just look like you've gained 10 pounds? Yeah, talk about awesome. I never thought I'd say this, but I wish I were bigger, so I wasn't so AWKWARD looking. :sigh:

I'm sure I'll be missing this stage of pregnancy soon enough though. Haha

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