Sunday, June 24, 2012

First IV Ever!

Well, I'm at the hospital and have been for 3 hours now. I'm already SO DONE with it.
Hospital beds are NOT very comfortable... at all. I've had my first dose of Cytotec. Super exciting! haha, not really.

When I came in I was dilated at a 1 (woo...! more than Monday) and effaced about 70%. Which for being 37 weeks and first time pregnancy, actually is a good sign. It's pretty hopeful at this point that inducing me is actually going to work. yay!

Anyway, tonight is going to be a long night. How are you supposed to sleep with an IV? I'm so paranoid that I'm going to lay on it or pull it out or something.

Anyway, there's the update! I get more Cytotec every 3 hours until the morning when they'll start the pitocin.

Oh, and I'm so hungry!

1 comment:

  1. Good luck! Yeah, hospitals are "fun" - though to be honest, American hospitals and getting a baby at the end = pretty dang awesome!!! I'm thinking of you and that's great you are already dilated - good news!
