Monday, April 2, 2012

A New Apartment

Well, Michael and I got our new apartment on Saturday. So, we spent most of conference weekend (mainly Saturday) moving stuff from our old apartment (in our car) into our new apartment.
Our home teachers helped us move the big stuff we have (like dresser, bookshelf, bed, chair, and crib (still in the box)), after the Priesthood session. So that was SUPER nice. because we didn't have to spend 50 dollars to rent a truck to move 5 things... I wasn't looking forward to that. I mean, obviously if we had to rent a truck, we would have packed it full with the boxes we have been moving in our car, but still. It's nice not to have that expense for a move across town.

Anyway, so Sunday we unpacked while we watched conference and set up the crib because we wanted to make sure it would be a sturdy/safe one. Michael was a little paranoid because we got it for so "cheap". But, it's actually a REALLY nice crib (not just nice looking!). So, we're excited.

And so we've got stuff in our new apartment! Enough to live off of anyway... But we've still got at least three more car trips of stuff to make... woo. Although, before we do that, we're going to finish unpacking what we already have there... at least MOSTLY unpack it.

It's exciting to be in a place that has enough storage places for our stuff! Before, the ONLY storage we had, was our tiny closet... so for a while our towels and blankets and stuff were all just crammed into storage bins sitting in our bedroom/living room. (awesome, right?) But now, our clean towels can be in a closet! And so can our blankets! YAY! I'm so excited to actually have places to organize things and not live out of storage containers or cardboard boxes!

We're already more unpacked in the new apartment then we've ever been in our old one... kinda pathetic if you think about it. But, we're excited! We should get our camera in the next two days... so I'll take some pictures of both places for ya :)


  1. I can't wait to see pictures! Also, I hear ya on the closets! Closets are VERY rare in this country and we literally have our suitcases and random bags full of things in our room because we can't organize. I hate it!!!

    1. Yeah, we had all of our suitcases full of stuff (like summer clothes, books, etc) in the old apartment... as well as over half of our boxes and storage bins..
      But, we've already got more unpacked than we did before! yay!
      I seriously CANNOT WAIT to have our new camera!
