Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Fall Semesterr

Well, here it goes again. I've got my schedule in place finally. I'm taking a few difficult classes. Well, not hard really, just a lot of work. It's kind of weird being here and living on campus with a bunch of people who haven't been here. They are all pretty awkward for the most part and everyone just assumes you don't know anything about.. well.. anything. I'm liking my classes for the most part. I'm taking Chem101, Portuguese101, BOM122, American Heritage100, SFL110(food preparation in the home), Dance280, and Dance 181. Portuguese is a lot of fun and super easy so far. I like my teacher. She's a total dork, but it's awesome. She's super cute in the old lady way. Chem, well, it's chem. -_- My teacher is pretty good I guess. He definitely acts and sounds like I would imagine a chemistry teacher would. BOM is alright I guess. The teacher I have hasn't taught before. This is his first Semester at BYU. He didn't even go to school here. So his class is a little weird, but I think it'll be fine. American Heritage sucks already. My teacher isn't very fun, and it's really hard to learn in his class. He doesn't explain things very well either, so it kind of sucks. I'm gonna have to do a ton of studying for that class. meh. SFL is pretty awesome. I've only gone to one day though because I added it late. It seems like it'll be a really fun class, but I might need a calculator. =P Dance 280 is really fun. I only went to class today because I added it late too. A spot opened up and I grabbed it. (I got really lucky with spots opening up... cause SFL fills up super fast too.) Anyway, 280 is really fun. There are some pretty good dancers in there. I'm gonna have to be in more dance competitions this time though. And I've got to get some ballroom shoes. I'm excited though. Today was super fun. We learned a Half Moon in ChaCha. It was pretty complicated, but it was fun anyway. I'm going to have to find a partner to practice with though. Dance 181 is WAYYY FUN! We're learning the Cotton-eyed Joe right now. It's a lot of fun. It's pretty crazy. I've gotta look for some cheap cowgirl boots and some plaid shirts... and a belt. hmm... dance might be kind of expensive. But, it's fun anyway! So yeah... my classes are alright I guess. There are just a few I'm going to have to work really hard in. YUCKY! Hmm... it feels like I have really long days because I'm not out of class until 4. Which is NO FUN, AT ALL. Stupid freshman mentoring screwed everything up. And then, by the end of the day, I feel like I haven't done much because I was in class all day and didn't get much done outside of class. Oh well, it's alright. it'll just take some adjusting to I suppose. It's weird here with so many people here and no EFY kids flirting with you. Haha. I miss summer. As much as I didn't like it, there are some things about it I did enjoy. I miss not having 1000 people in my classes... Anyway, I've got to go... I should probably get some reading done. YUMMMMMMMMM... only not really. <3 Amy

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