Sunday, January 24, 2010


life sucks. a lot. school is a drag and the days are long. Just thinking about going back tomorrow makes me sick. This year is so hard (not really in subjects... but emotionally. It's hard not to really have friends in the school anymore. All of my friends graduated last year =( Classes suck and i've got two REALLY terrible teachers. they don't know what their doing... and they don't even know the subject they are "teaching". It's ridiculous. I like the song Fireflies. I haven't heard it much, but it's fun. =) it's a happy song. I've studied for bio all day today. =( it gets really tiring/sucky after a while anyhow. i should get ready for bed or something. night =D

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you are having a great day! Just smile...I promise it gets better.
