Since then, I've been busy. AND there is soo much more that I want to try! Thank goodness for coupons and sales and Joann's!
Project 1. A Wet Bag for cloth diapering. For those of you who don't know what it is... it's simple. Cloth diapers, you don't throw them away. So what do you do when you're out? Throw gross diapers into your diaper bag? YUCK! You put them into a water proof zippered bag to keep the wetness and smell from seeping into everything else. But here's the catch, they're kinda pricey (well, not SUPER expensive, but for what they are it is. So, I made one. Bought some PUL material (it's what they are made of) when it was on sale (of course!) and made one myself. Here's a picture.
Project 2. Emmalynn's Easter Dress. Pictures were posted on facebook, but it was partly crocheted, and made from tulle and ribbon mostly.
Project 3. Tulle Headbands. I made a tulle headband a while ago. It was a super easy, no sew or glue project. I'll have to take a picture and post it later. It took about 15 minutes
Project 4. My green clutch that holds crochet hooks/littler crafting supplies. It used about 1/4 yrd fabric and a zipper and 2 snaps. (I got an industrial snap tool too!). Here's a picture of it (or a few)! (and Yes, I know the fabric that pulls it into a bow isn't completely centered... I didn't measure. It was just another 30 minute quick project. gotta keep most of my projects small because I never know how long Emmalynn will be sleeping!)
Project 5. I made Michael a new wallet. He needed a wallet, so I figured I'd try it out. I don't actually have pictures of it currently. But it has a total of 8 pockets and a big one for bills. It was actually pretty quick, but pretty frustrating too. The material was a silky one, which also means it frays a LOT. and FAST. It was very annoying to work with, but I got it done. And Michael uses it! So, at least it functions... and he seems to like it. Pictures to come. :)
Project 6 is in progress still. I'm making a welcome mat. It's hopefully going to function as one too! Haha We'll see. It's been much more time consuming and wearing than I thought. I've had to take lots of breaks because it's just so tiring! But, I'll be sure to post pictures of it when it's done!
Project 7 is in progress still too, but I hope to finish it tonight and tomorrow. I'm trying to make homemade canvas photos to put on the wall. I saw a tutorial a few months ago, and wanted to try it, but even plain canvas is expensive! But, it was on sale the other day AND I got to use a coupon on top of the sale, so I was able to score some pretty cheap. And Michael said I should get it. So, I did. and Now, I'm working on it. I'm anxious to see how it turns out. :)
Project 8. I made Emmalynn and I matching dresses for church! Yay. Haha. I just posted pictures on facebook, but I'll add some on here as well. They were actually pretty simple since the material I got already had the stretchy part done for me... I kinda went the easy way out. But, again, the material was on sale and I got to use a coupon on top of the sale (that really doesn't happen often btw). So, it was exciting and an easy project. All I did for my dress was cut the material to the right size, hem the bottom, and sew it together! Done! Yay! However, since Emma is shorter than me, In order for her to have all of the colors in her dress, I had to be a little bit more creative. So, I cut the material to the right width (or so I thought...=/), and then trimmed off the excess length. But then her dress was only green and light blue! So, I decided to add the darker blue and purple ruffle to the bottom of the dress. that was a LOT more effort than I thought it was going to be. And proved to be quite... frustrating and time consuming. However, I learned a lot from it, and next time it'll go SO MUCH better and FASTER! So then, I hemmed it up, and sewed up the side and we tried it on. It didn't fit! It was too skinny for her. Oops! I must of screwed up the measurements. So, I had two options, start over (I have enough left over to make her another one), or make another strip to insert all the way down the dress. I ended up making another 3 inch strip to go into the back. So, I had to make MORE ruffles and make sure they lined up with the other ones... and it was just not fun. BUT, it's done! And it's ADORABLE! So, it was worth it. And, the best part is, you can't even see where I had to add material! Not really anyway, it just looks like that's how it was supposed to be. So yeah. That was annoying. Here are some pictures!
And that's all for now. I've got so many more ideas and things I want to try though. So I'm sure there will be more coming! :)
And here are some other random pictures from the last little bit. As well as a bonus one of me at 19 wks 3 days. :)