Friday, August 1, 2008

I'm goin to da beach!!

Soooo, i'm at gates' house tonight. And i'll be with her family the whole week!! I'm going with them to their beach house (3 stories and BEAUTIFUL!!). It's right on the coast line. If you sleep on the deck, you're sleeping on the beach. It's awesome! I went to visit it during October with them. It was so nice! I'm super excited! We're going to be in Stone Harbor NJ, near Cape May. I guess i'll write about it when i get home! oh! And guess what else? I'm writing a book. It's not very good yet, but it's 17 pages typed so far, and wayyy far from being close to done. Oh, and guess what else? Dan gave me a laptop! right? haha, i feel bad, so i'm totally giving it back. but then i feel bad giving it back, because it's like.. "here dan, sorry, i don't want your present" psht.. whatever. he'll enjoy having his laptop. haha... so yeah... enough of that randomness i'll write when i get back! <3 Amy


  1. I'm so jealous...I want to go to a beach house...take lots of pictures!

  2. i actually didn't take many pictures at all.
    i planned on it, but uhh.. got too busy i guess.
    it was fun though!!
